Thursday, February 6, 2020

Annotated Bibliography, Plagiarism, and Research 1 Essay

Annotated Bibliography, Plagiarism, and Research 1 - Essay Example The Chinese army is the largest army in the world with an active 2.3 million soldiers in conjunction to o.8 million reserve soldiers followed closely by Indian army with a whooping 1.3 million active soldiers in conjunction to a reserve army of 2.1 million soldiers (Lengel, 2007). The regular army entails the ones under standardized doctrines, organizations, and uniforms. The irregular armies resulted from elite militia or a slow growth of personal bodyguards. The Spartan army formed the earliest professional armies in the world whereby the boys were sent to the barracks until at the age of thirty when they could come out to marry and lead a family life; men were committed to war up to the age of sixty when they could retire. The army is a disciplined force and therefore it is not expected to have indiscipline cases. However, most forces in various countries have the paramilitary police that take care of the misconducts that are experienced in the army forces since the regular police have no mandate in most cases to arrest and the army is not usually arraigned in a civil court. The nonjudicial punishment, NJP, is utilized to maintain discipline in the military force through punishments administered by the senior military officers to the junior officers who are involved in indiscipline forces without court trial; it is usually instant like in the case of a salary cut or lowering of the military rank (Steihm, 2012). The senor military personnel tend to be the highest number of military professionals who are involved in military misconduct ranging from staging coup de tat to sexual harassment. The following reference materials were used in the finalization of this research paper: Light, M. (2011). The Navy’s Moral Compass: Commanding Officers and Personal Misconduct. Retrieved on 16/12/2012 from bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA553001 The author has dealt with the rising cases of the United State of America’s Navy officials being fired due to personal misconduct ranging from the year 2000 to 2011. The research proposes that the constant problem is systematic, resulting from the symptomatic Navy cultural issues in conjunction to the society’s confusing context which has combined with the failure to effectively setting and upholding a standardized ethical code within the military service. It proposes the measures that should be put in place and implemented to reduce the cases of the misconduct in the army. They include, the need to adjust the policy adjustments, personnel and training processes with the aim of stemming the tide of the commanding officers being involved in personal misconduct. The further recommendations were aimed at elevating the problem to emphasize the need for change, refining of navy core values in conjunction to the modification of the fitness report in relation to the addressing of the moral characters. Stiehm, J. (2012). The US Military: A Basic Introduction. 1st ed. New York: Routledge. Print. The author’s aim is to sensitize the citizens on the role of the army and the rights and roles they are entitled to so that when they go overboard, they wrongs can be backtracked for the maintenance of the rule of law in the world. The roles and expectations of the soldiers are clear stated in relation to their ranks in the

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