Saturday, January 4, 2020

Pride and Prejudice the Merchant of Venice - 2099 Words

The question asks us, â€Å"Explore the ways in which Jane Austen and Shakespeare present strong feelings in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘The Merchant of Venice’. Shakespeare and Jane Austen both present strong feeling of love, revenge, hatred and friendship. They are two different types of stories, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is a novel and ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is a play so therefore they both have different ways of presenting strong feelings but they do have some similarities. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ strong feelings are presented by: 1. The Narrator 2. Letters 3. Dialogue Whereas in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ strong feelings are presented by: 1. The characters 2. Long Speech’s One way that Jane Austen presents strong feelings is†¦show more content†¦35 This makes Shylock, Jessica’s dad very angry because when Jessica marries Lancelot she becomes a Christian. Another way that Jane Austen and Shakespeare present strong feelings in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is through strong characters. In both stories there are many characters, but the two main characters are Elizabeth and Shylock. They are both very strong minded and not afraid to speech their mind. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Elizabeth is very different to other characters in the novel. Female characters in the novel believe that looking good, behaving well and keeping their feelings to themselves is very important, Elizabeth isn’t bothered about speaking out or not looking well, for example when Elizabeth walks to see her sister Jane in the Bingleys house, Bingleys sister and friend are very surprised that she walked all this way in the mud and they even say that it isn’t very ladylike! Lady Catherine De Bourgh who is very high in class asks Elizabeth if she wants to come to London with her, and Elizabeth says no . â€Å"You are all kindness, Madam; but I believe we must abide by our original plan.† Pg.175 In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ Shylock is very strong minded and is singled out of the play because he is a mean Jew that charges interest. Shylock is very stubborn and determined to keep to his bond; a pound of flesh of Antonio.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Methods of Overcoming Prejudice in Society1115 Words   |  5 PagesPrejudice can be seen from an individual having biased opinions about a certain group, with very little knowledge. Prejudice can be defined in many ways, such as an attitude of how people think about others or people judging ignorantly. But to Gordon Allport, â€Å"Prejudice is a thinking ill of others without a sufficient warrant.. This is how prejudice is defined to an individual who is still witnessing this crisis. 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